In printing this diary of Grandmother Annie Clark, very little attempt has been made to edit the manuscript. Only where necessary to facilitate reading, have we made minor changes in spelling, punctuation, sentence and paragraph construction. A few connecting words have been added.
When grandmother was first married, her handwriting was beautiful and very legible; toward the end, it became unsteady, probably due to age, her daily hard work and the lack of time to sit down and concentrate. In the beginning grandmother quite consistently kept her journal up to date.
Later on she would summarize the events of many years.
At times these overlapped, and we have tried to keep these summaries chronologically correct.The printing of this manuscript was a work of 'love; 'love for this great lady that we have grown to know so well this past year; 'love for our father, Wallace Rich Clark, whose steadfastness in the church and tremendous testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel has been an inspiration to the entire family; 'love for our brothers and sisters-her posterity. We hope that all who read this book will feel the spirit as we have. We also hope that the sharing of some of the joys, heartaches, trials and tribulations of her life will strengthen your testimony in "our way of life" and be an inspiration for you to continue in the "ways of the Lord".
We pray that our efforts in this project has pleased Grandmother Clark, and if at some later date we have a chance to meet her, we feel that we will have been amply repaid for our time. But if, by chance, we are privileged to live with her in the Celestial Kingdom, how great will be our joy!
-Beryl and Al Luebke